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Приемам | Разбери повече

12-та научна конференция по химия  с международно участие, 13 и 14 октомври 2023 г. в Парк хотел Санкт Петербург, гр. Пловдив.

Представени постери на теми:

  • Pehlivanov, Kr. Nikolova, I. Milkova, M. Marudova, V. Gandova, A. Gerasimova, G. Gencheva, I. Minchev, V. Andonova. Possible application of green algae as emulsifiers in foods and nutritional supplements.
  • N. Petkova, Kr. Nikolova, A. Gerasimova, D. Kovacheva, N. Panova, Effect of different hydrocolloids on Ca (II)-alginate beads containing extracts from green microalgae
  • N. Petkova, M. Ognyanov, M. Krystyjan, D. Yaneva, D. Vassilev, Kr. Nikolova, Isolation and functional properties of carrot pectin

IX International School and Conference on Photonics - PHOTONICA2023 ,  Belgrade, Serbia, August 28 - September 01, 2023.

Представен постер на тема:

  • Petkova, I. Ivanov, E. Saralieva, D. Georgieva, K. Nikolova, T. Eftimov, G. Gentscheva and L. Vladimirova–Mihaleva, “Bioactive compounds of the roots of Carlina acanthifolia L. obtained by fractional extraction and their 3D fluorescence spectra”


The 26th International Scientific Conference on “Achievements in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering with Bioengineering and Dental Engineering” AMME & bio 2024 

  На тема: „Synthesis of clove essential oil loaded chitosan-based edible films with different plasticizers“