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Приемам | Разбери повече"Representatives of Medical University–Varna participated in the establishment of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in Balneology Global Initiative," announced Chief Assist. Prof. Todorka Socrateva, Senior Researcher (R2) at Scientific Group 3.1.1. Natura4Health at the Research Institute of MU-Varna, Project No BG-RRP-2.004-0009-C02: Enhancement of Translational Excellence Achievement in Medicine (MUVE-TEAM).
The inaugural meeting H2S in Balneology "Global collaboration and cooperation in research and education by shared expertise and knowledge" was held from 11 to 14 September at the Specialised Rehabilitation Hospital in Banja Koviljača, Serbia.
On 12 September the Hydrogen Sulfide in Balneology Global Initiative, and the objectives, needs and perspectives of its foundation, were announced in the conference hall of the health facility in front of the medical team of the hospital, representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia and journalists.
The founders presented on the following topics as a part of the programme:
"Why are we establishing Hydrogen Sulfide in Balneology Global Initiative – Prof. Müfit Zeki Karagülle, Honorary Director of the Department of Medical Ecology and Hydroclimatology at the Faculty of Medicine at Istanbul University.
"Natural balneological sources of hydrogen sulphide – mineral waters and peloids" – Prof. José Manuel Carbajo – physician, pharmacist, specialist in galenic and industrial pharmacy. Research group UCM-911757 at Complutense University of Madrid.
"In vitro (cell cultures) and in vivo studies (animals and humans) with hydrogen sulphide of balneological origin – mineral waters and peloids" – Constantin Munteanu, Assoc. Prof. in Bioclimatology, Hydrothermotherapy and Physiology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr. T. Popa", Iași, Scientific Researcher and Principal Biologist at “Bagdasar–Arseni" Emergency Clinical Hospital, Neuro-Rehabilitation Sector, Bucharest, President of the Romanian Association of Balneology.
"Management of balneological resources – hydrogen sulphide mineral water and peloids and rehabilitation hospital management – Primarius – Prof. Aleksandar Jokic, PhD, Manager of the Specialised Rehabilitation Hospital in Banja Koviljača, member of the Expert Rehabilitation Committee of the Republic of Serbia.
"Research on the molecular mechanisms of sulphur-containing mineral waters from the Varna basin on human metabolism" – Chief Assist. Prof. Todorka Socrateva, Senior Researcher (R2) at Scientific Group 3.1.1. Natura4Health at the Research Institute of MU-Varna, MUVE-TEAM Project, Medical University–Varna, Bulgaria.
The Declaration for the foundation of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in Balneology Global Initiative was signed on 13 September, during the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Paediatric Rehabilitation Department. The founders of the initiative are prominent scientists in the fields of Balneology, Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology and Biochemistry, including: Müfit Zeki Karagülle (Turkey), Mine Karagülle (Turkey), Aleksandar Jokic (Serbia), Jose M. Carbajo (Spain), Constantin Munteanu (Romania), Todorka Sokrateva (Bulgaria), Fausto Bonsignori (Italy), Csaba Kovács (Hungary), Davide Rossi (Italy), Jasmina Milovanovic-Arsic (Serbia).
The Management Board of the Hydrogen Sulfide in Balneology Global Initiative was elected during the inaugural working meeting as follows:
Chairperson — Prof. Müfit Zeki Karagülle, MD, PhD (Turkey)
Vice-Chairperson — Dr. Aleksandar Jokic (Serbia)
Secretary-General — Assoc. Prof. Constantin Munteanu (Romania)
Vice-Secretary — Chief Assist. Prof. Todorka Socrateva (Bulgaria)
Prof. Diana Ivanova, PhD, DSc, Medical University–Varna (Bulgaria) was elected a member of the Advisory Board.
It was resolved that the following meeting of the Management Board of the Hydrogen Sulphide in Balneology Global Initiative will be in the framework of a conference organised by Scientific Group 3.1.1. Natura4Health at the Research Institute of MU–Varna, Project No BG-RRP-2.004-0009-C02: Enhancement of Translational Excellence Achievement in Medicine (MUVE-TEAM).
The aim of the Hydrogen Sulphide in Balneology Global Initiative is cooperation and collaboration among scientists, physicians, pharmacists and other experts involved in research on application of mineral waters and their products as a natural source of hydrogen sulphide. Experience and knowledge sharing.