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Приемам | Разбери повече

Leading researcher
Prof. Tsanka Dikova, DSc

The aim of the research group is to develop scaffolds of osteoconductive biomaterial based on carbonate-apatite, tricalcium phosphate and organically coated chitosan. The resulting biomaterial will be produced in the form of blocks that are customised by computer-aided design (CAD), using imaging data from clinical cases. The surface of the scaffolds will be covered with a cell-impermeable but fluid-permeable layer to prevent fibrous encapsulation of the scaffold and tissue dehiscence. The effectiveness of the methodology will be assessed in pre-clinical studies through histomorphometry. In order to achieve effective bone regeneration, the scaffolds will be produced using several methods, including replication, freeze casting, solvent casting and salt leaching. The scaffolds properties will be examined by conventional, standard and combined methods. The research will be performed by the specialists in a variety of fields: materials science, chemistry, biology, dental medicine, orthopaedics, implantology, oral surgery and neurosurgery. As a result of the funding under this Programme, a method of rapid and reliable bone regeneration of bone defects resulting from trauma, inflammation, tumours and other pathological processes will be created.